
Friday, December 26, 2008

Episode #14: Tomato Trancer

Episode #14 is finally done, what with the Christmas holiday it took a little extra time to get it out but here we are....ready to go....
This week is a listener content episode for one FakeShemp, he picked two very diverse and different films....we cover Tim Thomerson in TRANCERS and George Clooney in RETURN OF THE KILLER TOMATOES....very nice picks Mr. Shemp.....

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Episode #13: Mr. Hayes On The Prowl

Hello Gentle-Minions...Episode #13 is ready for your consumption. We cover Issac Hayes in TRUCK TURNER and Joseph Zito's slasher classic THE PROWLER....

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Episode #12: Bring Me The Hands Of Steel

Here we are Episode #12, we go over Sergio Martino's HANDS OF STEEL and Sam Peckinpah's BRING ME THE HEAD OF ALFREDO GARCIA....two very diverse films that lead to some great conversation....

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Episode #11: Let The Silence In

Here we go, Episode 11, a day later than usual but it is done and it is awesome....We review Sergio Corbucci's THE GREAT SILENCE and the horror buzz film of the year, or at least the one other than Martyrs, we go over LET THE RIGHT ONE IN.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Episode #10: Turkish Deadbeats

So, Big Willy and Sammy are under the weather a little this week, that would probably explain why Samurai forgot to check his settings on his audio equipment and sounds like he is calling in a voicemail, but at least it audible this time.
Either way this is our first, of we hope, many listener content episodes and here we review a couple of films requested by our good buddy Redd over at the popsyndicate forums...if you are not a member join up and be part of our show. We go over a little trash oddity known as TURKISH STAR WARS and the Jim Van Bebber cult classic DEADBEAT AT DAWN as per our listener's request.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Episode #9: Cobra Boogie

Alright, the episode is actually fixed and completed and, if you downloaded the other version, do yourself a favor and download again because this cut is a little longer and we added some some special surprises.....Bill from OTC joins us and brings his beautiful charm and sound effects for a good time....we cover ROLLER BOOGIE with Linda Blair and COBRA with Sly was a great experience....enjoy gang...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Episode #8: Wanted In The East

On this week's episode we cover Gordon Liu in HEROES OF THE EAST and Rutger Hauer in WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE. We go over a few other tidbits and even get some shaving tips from Large William in the process. Plus we again talk about the clothes people were wearing in the 80's, as if we never wore them ourselves.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Episode #7: The Longest Dragon

Even though the title of this show sounds like we are covering some type of porno film, trust me, we are sticking to our love of genre cinema this week with a couple of bonafide classics. First up, Burt Reynolds in THE LONGEST YARD, one of the Burt's best films and then we follow that up with THE LAST DRAGON, truly one of the great 80's films of all time in our humble opinion.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bonus #1: Casting Couch

During the short break, we wanted to put a little something out until we return to our regular episodic nature. This is some material from the very first episode we recorded that had to be cut, hopefully you will enjoy our dream casting for Tarantino's Inglorious Bastards.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Episode #6: Brotherhood In Exile

In Episode #6 we jump into the Johnnie To classic EXILED and we go over Christophe Gans BROTHERHOOD OF THE WOLF. We go over a small amount of feedback and beg for more attention.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Episode #5: Turkey Man 2000

In Episode #5 we go over TURKEY SHOOT and TROUBLE MAN, two very interesting films that are a little more obscure but it doesn't stop them from being on the Gentlemen's radar......come join in on the discussion and open your mind to the wonders of some exploitation films. One from Austrailia and the other from Southern California in the glorious 70's....good times......

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Episode #4: In The Fog Waits Sammo Hung

In Episode #4 we go over Sammo Hung's EASTERN CONDORS and John Carpenter's THE FOG. We also give you a sample of Mother Nature wreaking havoc on Samurai's vocal track and Big Willy swooping in to save the day with his sexy Northern ways...uhhh...yeah something like that.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Episode #3: Mullets Over Atlantis

On this weeks show we cover Ruggero Deodato's RAIDERS OF ATLANTIS and Craig Baxley's STONE COLD with Brian 'The Boz" Bosworth. Join us and our technical difficulties and enjoy the gentlemen talking about cinema.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Episode #2: The Bittersweet Alligator

On  this week's show, we cover the Robert Forster classic ALLIGATOR and we go over the highly under-rated film from Kim Ji-Woon entitled BITTERSWEET LIFE. We have feedback from listeners and just have a good time talking about some movies.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Episode #1: They Call Me Rolling Thunder

On the first episode we talk about THEY CALL ME TRINITY and ROLLING THUNDER and generally dont know what the hell we are doing, but we give it the old college try anyhow.....join us.