
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Episode #120: The Gent's List 2010

Welcome to our long awaited year end show, yeah we do ours in February....big deal. We like to see as many films from the previous year and this is the way we handle that situation.

What a year 2010 was for film, it really astounds us because we thought this was going to be a slow year for the movies. It turned out to be just the opposite. We love movies over here at the GGtMC and so does our listeners, you'll also get top lists from fellow Gentlemen that have been on the show and many of our listeners.

As always, send your feedback in and even if you didn't make the cut for the year end list, we would still be glad to hear your picks going forward.

Direct download: Top102010RM.mp3

Emails to

Voicemails to 206-666-5207


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