
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

DVD/Blu-Ray Picks Of The Week - 3/19/11

Sammy's Pick: KES (Region 1 Blu-Ray; Criterion)
This film is an overlooked masterpiece in my opinion and director Ken Loaches best film overall for me. I saw this film about 10 years ago and have never forgotten the subtle and beautiful storytelling that is taking place, how near pitch perfect this film is in every way. The performances are amazing as Loach is using nonprofessional actors and the locations in Northern England are palpable. Be warned, this film is slow paced and heartbreaking but damn if it hasn't stuck with me since the first time I saw it a decade ago.

Amazon Blu-Ray
High-Def Digest

Large William's Pick: FUBAR: BALLS TO THE WALL (DVD and Blu-Ray; Screen Media)
Okay gang, I haven't seen this one yet, and although I've heard mixed things, I'm picking it as my release of the week as I LOVE the original Fubar, which not enough Americano's and non-Canucks have seen, and secondly, I'm trying to do my part to promote Canadian film. Fubar was an early faux documentary done to great success, and the sequel follows up with our 2 lovable Metalheads, Dean and Terry, who ALWAYS have time to GIVE'ER!

yours in air guitaring,
William the Large

Amazon DVD
Amazon Blu-Ray
High-Def Digest (Blu-Ray)


  1. This film slayed me when i saw it a few years back. Love it.

  2. lemme just say when i see just the covers, i would 1000% rather see KES over FUBAR. what a shit cover there
