
Thursday, May 5, 2011

DVD/Blu-Ray Picks Of The Week - 5/3/11

Rupert Pupkin's Pick: STUDENT BODIES/JEKYLL AND HYDE TOGETHER AGAIN (Region 1 Blu-Ray; Legend Films)
Haven't even seen JEKYLL, but have always been a fan of the dopey slasher spoof that is STUDENT BODIES. Will be interesting to see how that looks on blu-ray. Mickey Rose is the writer/director and he worked with Woody Allen on some of his early comedies. I can see a certain kinship between this film and BANANAS, which I love.

Diabolik DVD

Sammy's Pick: FAT GIRL (Region 1 Blu-Ray; Criterion)
I saw this film about 5 years ago and some of the imagery in it has stuck with me ever since, I have never forgotten the ending which is quite shocking. This is another in a long list of Criterion Blu's I would like to own and the film comes highly recommended from The Samurai!!!

High-Def Digest Review and Specs

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