
Monday, December 26, 2011

Episode #164: The Uppercut Exterminator

Welcome to another episode of the GGtMC!!!

This week the Gents cover two films from one of our sponsors Diabolik DVD (, we go over The Exterminator (1980) from director James Glickenhaus and starring Robert Ginty and Uppercut Man (1988 aka The Opponent) from director Sergio Martino and starring Daniel Green.

Next week we are going over all of our feedback from the past months and getting caught up on all of the back log we have been building since we had some schedule changes, the show is back in it's stride (as if we ever left it?).

Direct download: The_Uppercut_ExterminatorRM.mp3

Emails to

Voicemails to 206-666-5207


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