
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bonus #28: Interview with Dormarth a.k.a. Paul Malleck

Welcome to a special bonus episode of the GGtMC, in this episode our West Coast Correspondent, Rupert Pupkin, interview Paul Malleck AKA Dormarth. We first heard of Paul in the first published interview we did with Zack Carlson and Rupert landed an interview with him recently...

Zack Carlson professed that Dormarth is the biggest horror fan in the world and when you hear him speak about his wonderful VHS collection, you may be inclined to agree with that statement. Dormarth also puts out a cool zine that comes highly recommended, you can order issues at

Direct download: DormathINTRM.mp3

Emails to

Voicemails to 206-666-5207


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