
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

DVD/Blu-Ray Picks Of The Week - 4/5/11

Sammy's Pick: TAXI DRIVER (Region 1 Blu-Ray; Sony Pictures)
For me, this is Scorsese's most personal film when he was going through bouts of paranoia and drug issues...this film is still the definitive film of social awkwardness and debilitating loneliness. De Niro's performance still holds up and the direction and score from Herrman is so perfect for the film it's like they were made for each other. Most places are selling this Blu for $12.99...its a steal!!!

Amazon Blu-Ray
High-Def Digest Review and Specs

Rupert Pupkin's Pick: ROGER CORMAN'S ACTION PACKED COLLECTION (Region 1 DVD; Shout! Factory)
Out of this collection, I've only seen THE GREAT TEXAS DYNAMITE CHASE which is a lot of fun. At $13.99 though, I cannot pass up the chance to see a couple more good 'ol boy car chase movies such as GEORGIA PEACHES and SMOKEY BITES THE DUST!

Amazon DVD
Diabolik DVD

Large William's Pick: KUBRICK'S ODDYSEY (Region 1 DVD; Cubed Brick Productions)
Crackpot conspiracy theory, or not, from what I've heard, this docco makes for compelling viewing, and since it's on one of the master filmmakers of all time, a favorite of all the Gentlemen, Stanley Kubrick, it should definitely be worth a watch. It chronicles his time making 2001, and how it apparently was done as a prep for him shooting the Apollo Moon landing. It goes onto to allude to The Shining being a veiled letter of exasperation to his shooting of said Apollo footage. Check it out gang, and don't forget your tinfoil helmets!


Amazon DVD

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