
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

DVD/Blu-Ray Picks Of The Week - 6/21/11

Samurai's Pick: KISS ME DEADLY (Region 1 DVD and Blu-Ray; Criterion Collection)
One of Robert Aldrich's best films that came at the end of the classic film noir movement from Hollywood. Very stylish and ballsy for the time....looking forward to this one....

They Call Him Chad's Pick: KISS ME DEADLY (Region 1 Blu-ray; Criterion Collection)
Kiss Me Deadly is a fantastic film and easily my favorite film noir of all-time. Even if you're not a fan of this genre, there's a good chance you'll appreciate this film's hard-charging pace, David Lynch-like strangeness, cold war ambiguities and the unconventional interpretation of the Mike Hammer character. And hey, it's a Criterion Collection release so you know you'll be spoiled with a high quality presentation coupled with awesome special features.

Amazon DVD and Blu-Ray Review and Specs
High-Def Digest Review and Specs Page

Large William's Pick: THE ROMANTIC ENGLISHWOMAN (Region 1 DVD and Blu-Ray; Kino)
I've got to be honest, this is rather assy a week as far as new releases go; I know that the Rio Conchos/Take a hard ride will and should get some love from my cohorts, I figured I'd dig in to find something else worthwhile this week. My pick this week is The Romantic Englishwoman; I don't believe it's ever been released on home video, or at least not on DVD, and was helmed by troubled, talented director Joseph Losey. Michael Caine+Helmut Berger is the draw for GGtMC'ers for this one. It's an examination of "fact or fiction" from Caine and his Wife, played by Kate Nelligan in her feature film debut.. Check it out gang!


Amazon DVD and Blu-Ray

Aaron's Pick: BLACK RAT (Region 1 DVD; Tokyo Shock/Media Blasters)
I haven't seen this one yet, but BLACK RAT seems too cheesy (get it?!) to ignore. I don't know a whole lot about it other than what's on the trailer and a brief synopsis I found online, but it appears to be a campus slasher with a female killer who wears a ridiculously large rat mask that looks like it belongs on a sports mascot. For what it's worth, it's directed by Kenata Fukasaku, who wrote the screenplay for the first BATTLE ROYALE film (a classic) and directed its sequel. It's also nice to see a new horror film coming out of Japan that isn't an absurd splatter movie full of gross-out gags.

Amazon DVD

----Martijn of OMG Entertainment's Bonus Region 2 Pick of the Week----
TENEBRAE (Region 0 PAL DVD and Blu-Ray; Arrow)
This week was a hard one, I had to pick between the Blu-Ray releases of New York Ripper (Shameless, but I heard it was slightly cut!), Akira and Tenebre.

Although it's not Argento's best I love Tenebre. After the the bright coloured and surrealistic feel of Suspiria and Inferno he went the opposite way with this one. Lots of white and gray and modern buildings give this a very different feel. The goblin music is quite cheesy this time but fitting in a strange way.

And of course it's an Arrow Video release and those damn things are so collectible!

Links: DVD and Blu-Ray
Diabolik DVD and Blu-Ray

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