Rupert Pupkin's Pick: BARRY LYNDON (Region 1 Blu-Ray; Warner Home Video)
BARRY LYNDON is certainly one of the less-championed films in Kubrick's oeuvre, but I feel that is a bit unfair. It is a period epic of sorts, but a really compelling movie. Beautifully composed and shot, as you'd expect from Kubrick. I am very excited to see this on blu!
Amazon Blu-Ray
Blu-Ray.com Review and Specs

Samurai's Pick: ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST (Region 1 Blu-Ray; Paramount)
Masterpiece of the Spaghetti Western genre...nuff said
Amazon Blu-Ray
Blu-Ray.com Review and Specs

Large William's Pick: BIUTIFUL (Region 1 DVD and Blu-Ray; Roadside Attractions/Lionsgate)
Inarritu may be one of the more divisive arthouse directors who gets relatively wide play in cinemas, but I've loved everything he's done thus far. I've been with him(and Gael Garcia Bernal) since a rental of Amores Perros on VHS back in the day. In fact, Biutiful was the film I was most heartbroken I didn't get to see at tiff this past year. It stars EASILY one of the best actors in the world today, Javier Bardem, who I simply can't heap enough superlatives on(another one I've followed for years, since, coincidentally, a VHS rental of Before night falls). Bardem stars as a man in a VERY desperate situation, who, despite being an extremely devoted family man and an adoring father to his children, finds himself working in the seedy Barcelona underworld to provide for his family. The film looks at the burden he bears for reasons I won't give
Away here.. I'm buying this one myself as soon as I finish writing this, I believe that much in the people involved in his project...
Kisses(from Barthelona)(notice my Catalan accent?),
Amazon DVD
Amazon Blu-Ray

Aaron's Pick: DRIVE ANGRY (Region 1 DVD and Blu-Ray; Summit Entertainment)
I'll be honest, I haven't even seen this movie yet, but of all the movies being released on DVD this week, DRIVE ANGRY is the one I'm looking forward to the most. Despite being blind as far as the content of the movie, I feel confident in recommending it to you because: A) it stars the undisputed modern-day king of scenery-chewing in the lead role, B) it co-stars the hottest genre actress woring today, and C) a reviewer on Amazon called it the "Worst Cage movie since Bad Lieutenant".
Amazon DVD
Amazon Blu-Ray