

2020 Texas Gladiators (1982) - Todd
8 Man After (1993) - Todd
99 River Street (1953) - They Call Him Chad
Aberration (1997) - Todd
Abominable Snowman, The (1980) - Todd
Aenigma (1987) - Todd
Aftershock (1990) - Karl Brezdin
Aggression Scale, The (2012) - They Call Him Chad
Airborne (1998) - Justin Oberholtzer
Airborne (1993) - Todd
Alien 2: On Earth (1980) - Todd
Alien from the Deep (1989) - Todd
Alien Seed (1989) - Todd
Alley Cat (1984) - Todd
Alucarda (1975) - Todd
American Chinatown (1996) - Todd
Amuck! (1972)-Todd
Anaconda (1997) - Bill Thompson
Angel Terminators 2 (1993) - Todd
Angels of the City (1989) - Todd
Angel on Fire (1995) - Todd
Aquarians, The (1970) - Todd
Arcade (1993) - Todd
Arrogant, The (1987) - Todd
Asphyx, The (1973) - Todd
Assault On Precinct 13 (1976) - Bill Thompson
Aurora Monsters: The Model Craze That Gripped the World (2010) - Todd
Avenger X (1967) - Todd
Baba Yaga (1973) - Todd
Back to Back (1996) - Justin Oberholtzer
Bang Rajan (2000) - Keith W
Banzai Runner (1987) - T.L. Bugg
Bare Knuckles (1977) - Todd
Batman: Under The Red Hood (2010) Bill Thompson
Battle Beyond the Stars (1980) - Todd
Batwoman (1967) - Todd
Best Seller (1987) - Justin Oberholtzer
Beverly Hills Cop (1984) - Bill Thompson
Beyond the Door 3 (1989) - Todd
Big Alligator River (1979) - Todd
Bigfoot (1969) - Todd
Blackfire (1985) - Todd
Black Magic (1975) - Todd
Black Magic 2 (1976) - Todd
Black Moon Rising (1986) - They Call Him Chad
Black Sabbath (1963) - Michael
Black Scorpion (1995) - Brett Ridley
Black Scorpion II: Aftershock (1997) - Brett Ridley
Black Tight Killers (1966) - Todd
Bleeders (1997) - Todd
Blood Beach (1981) - Todd
Blood Ceremony (1973) - Aaron
Blood Shot (2013) - Brett Ridley
Blood Sorcery (1986) - Todd
Bloodstained Lawn, The (1973) - Todd
Bloody Bloody Bible Camp (2012) - Brett Ridley
Blow Out (1981) - Michael
Blow Out (1981) (Blu-ray Review) - "Uncool Cat" Chris Brown & Kelly Baird
Blowback 2: Love and Death (1991) - Todd
Blue Monkey (1987) - Todd
Blue Sunshine (1978) - Todd
Body Parts (1991) - Todd
Body Puzzle (1992) - Todd
Boneyard, The (1990) - Todd
Born Of Fire (1987) - Todd
Borrower, The (1991) - Justin Oberholtzer
Bound (1996) - Brett Ridley
Boy Who Cried Werewolf, The (1973) - Todd
Brain, The (1988) - T.L. Bugg
Brain, The (1988) - Todd
Brain Dead (1990) - Justin Oberholtzer
Breakin' (1984) - Todd
Breeders (1986) - Todd
Breeders (1997) - Todd
Brotherhood of Satan (1971) - Scott M
Brothers Till We Die (1978) - Aaron
Bruce Kung Fu Girls (1975) - Todd
Bruce Lee and Chinese Gods (1976) - Keith W
Bug (1975) - Todd
Burning Paradise (1994) - Todd
Burst City (1982) - Todd
Butterfly Murders, The (1979) - Todd
Cabin in the Woods (2011) - They Call Him Chad
Cafe Flesh (1982) - Charlie Parker
Calamity (1976) - Todd
Call Of Cthulhu, The (2005) - Brett Ridley
Caltiki - the Immortal Monster (1959) - Todd
Candy Stripe Nurses (1974) - Brett Ridley
Captain Phillips (2013) - Bill Thompson
Carpenter, The (1988) - Justin Oberholtzer 
Casablanca Express (1988) - Todd
Case of the Scorpion's Tail, The (1971) - Todd
Casino Raiders (1989) - Todd
Cat and the Canary, The (1978) - Todd
Cat Chaser (1989) - Aaron
Caveman (1981) - Todd
Cheerleader Camp (1987) - Todd
Cheerleaders, The (1973) - Keith W
Chicago Overcoat (2009) - Brett Ridley
Child of Peach (1987) - Todd
CHUD (1984) - Todd
Church, The (1989) - Todd
Cinema Snob Movie, The (2012) - Brett Ridley
Circus of Horrors (1960) - Todd
Cisco Pike (1972) - Dusty McGowan
City Hunter (1993) - Todd
City Under Siege (2010) - Jake McLargeHuge
Clash (2009) - They Call Him Chad
Class of 1999 (1990) - Aaron
Cleopatra Jones (1973) - Brett Ridley
Clones, The (1973) - Todd
Cobra (1986) - Bill Thompson
Cobra Thunderbolt (1984) - Todd
Cold Eyes (2013) - "Uncool Cat" Chris Brown
Cold Night's Death, A (1973) - Todd
Cold Sweat (1993) - Fnord
Colossus of New York, The (1958) - Todd
Commando (1985) - Bill Thompson
Commandos (1968) - Todd
Concorde Affair, The (1978) - Todd
Conversation, The (1974) - Aaron
Cop Game (1988) - Todd
Count Dracula's Great Love (1974) - Todd
Country of Beauties, The (1981) - Todd
Covert Action (1978) - Keith W
Cracking Up (1977) - Todd
Crater Lake Monster, The (1977) - Todd
Crime Zone (1988) - Todd
Critters (1986) - Todd
Cruel Jaws (1995) - Todd
Cruel Story of Youth (1960) - Justin Oberholtzer
Cruise Into Terror (1978) - Todd
Crystalbrain (1970) - Todd
Curse of the Dog God (1977) - Todd
Curse of the Undead: Yoma (1998) - Todd
Curve (2015) - Justin Oberholtzer
Cut and Run (1985) - Todd
Cyclone (1987) - Justin Oberholtzer
Damnation Alley (1977) - Todd
Dance Of The Dwarfs (1983) - Todd
Dance or Die (1987) - Todd
Danger: Diabolik (1967) - Todd
Dangerous Encounter: 1st Kind (1980) - Charlie Parker
Dark Dungeons (2014) - Brett Ridley
Dark Side of the Moon, The (1990) - Todd
Dark Waters (1993) - Brett Ridley
Darkside Blues (1994) - Todd
Darktown Strutters (1975) - Todd
Dawn of the Mummy (1981) - Todd
Day of Anger (1967) - They Call Him Chad
Day of the Triffids (1962) - Todd
Daytime Drinking (2009) - "Uncool Cat" Chris Brown
Dead Are Alive, The (1971) - Todd
Dead End City (1988) - Justin Oberholtzer
Dead Man Walking (1987) - Todd
Deadbeat at Dawn (1988) - Justin Oberholtzer
Deadhead Miles (1972) - Justin Oberholtzer
Deadly Blessing (1981) - Justin Oberholtzer
Deadly Eyes (1982) - Todd
Death Before Dishonor (1987) - Todd
Death Carries a Cane (1973) - Todd
Death Falls Lightly (1972) - Todd
Death Force (1978) - Karl Brezdin
Death Haunts Monica (1976) - Aaron
Death Knocks Twice (1969) - Todd
Death Machine (1994) - Todd
Death Machines (1976) - Justin Oberholtzer
Death Occurred Last Night (1970) - Todd
Death Race 2050 (2017) - Brett Ridley
Death Rage (1977) - Scott M
Death Run (1988) - Todd
Death Wish (1974) - Bill Thompson
Deathmaster (1972) - Todd
Demon City Shinjuku (1988) - Todd
Demonoid (1980) - Todd
Demonwarp (1988) - Todd
Devil Came from Akasava, The (1971) - Keith W
Devil Girl 18 (1992) - Todd
Devil Story (1985) - Justin Oberholtzer
Devil's Dynamite (1987) - Matt-suzaka
Devil's Kiss (1976) - Todd
Devil's Man, The (1967) - Todd
Diary of a Lady Killer (1969) - Todd
Dirty Mary Crazy Larry (1974) - Todd
Dirty O'Neil (1974) - Todd
District B13 (2004) - Bill Thompson
Django, Prepare a Coffin (1968) - Todd
Dog Tags (1988) - Todd
Dog's Breakfast, A (2007) - Brett Ridley
Doll Squad, The (1973) - Todd
Dolly Dearest (1992) - Justin Oberholtzer
Don't Look Back (2009) - Aaron
Don't Panic (1988) - Todd
Double Dragon (1994) - Todd
Double Indemnity (1944) - Brett Ridley
Dragon Lives Again, The (1977) - Todd
Dredd (2012) - Bill Thompson
Drive-In (1976) - Justin Oberholtzer
Dr. Lamb (1992) - Charlie Parker
Dr. Strange (1978) - Todd
Dr. Who And The Daleks (1965) - Michael
Duck Soup (1933) - Brett Ridley
Dungeons & Dragons (2000) - Brett Ridley
Dungeons & Dragons: The Book of Vile Darkness (2012) - Brett Ridley
Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God (2005) - Brett Ridley
Dust Devil: The Final Cut (1992) - Todd
Ebola Syndrome, The (1996) - Keith Squires
Eddie Macon's Run (1983) - Scott M
Eegah (1962) - Brett Ridley 
Eight Diagram Pole Fighter (1983) - Todd
Electra Glide in Blue (1973) - Blake
Eliminators (1986) - Todd
Endgame (1983) - Todd
Entity, The (1982) - Emily
Escape from Coral Cove (1986) - Todd
Escape From L.A. (1996) - Bill Thompson
Escape from the Bronx (1983) - Todd
Eternal Evil of Asia, The (1995) - Todd
Evictors, The (1979) - Todd
Evilspeak (1981) - Todd
Evil Spawn (1987) - Todd
Exit To Eden (1994) - Brett Ridley
Exorcist III, The (1990) - Justin Bozung
Exterminator 2 (1984) - Todd
Exterminators of the Year 3000 (1983) - Todd
Eyeball (1975) - Aaron
Eyes of Fire (1983) - Todd
Eyes of Laura Mars, The (1978) - Emily
Fabulous Journey to the Centre of the Earth, The (1977) - Todd
Fango Bollente (1975) - Feel Bad Hit of the Winter
Fatal Games (1984) - Todd
Father of My Children (2009) - Aaron
Felidae (1995) - Todd
Female Prisoner Scorpion: Jailhouse 41 (1972) - Todd
Fighting Mad (1976) - Todd
Final Executioner, The (1984) - Todd
Final Girl (2015) - Justin Oberholtzer
Firewalker (1986) - Todd
Flash! Future Kung Fu (1983) - Todd
Flesh Eaters, The (1964) - Todd
Flesh Gordon (1974) - Todd
Footprints On The Moon (1975) - Todd
Force of Evil, The (1977) - Todd
Forgotten Warrior (1986) - Todd
Fortress of Amerikkka (1989) - Todd
Foul King (2000) - Keith W
Four for All (1975) - Todd
Four Lions (2010) - Brett Ridley
Foxy Brown (1974) - Bill Thompson
Frankenstein's Castle Of Freaks (1974) - Todd
Free Hand for a Tough Cop (1976) - Todd
Freejack (1992) - Aaron
Full Eclipse (1993) - Justin Oberholtzer
Full Eclipse (1993) - Todd
Galaxis (1995) - Todd
Ganheddo/Gunhed (1989) - Brett Ridley
Garbage Pail Kids Movie, The (1987) - Todd
Gas Pump Girls (1979) - Todd
Gays, The (2014) - Todd
Get Crazy (1983) - Todd
Get the Gringo (2012) - Bill Thompson
Gentleman's Library: Real Depravities by Troy Howarth, A - Charlie Parker
Ghost Town (1988) - Justin Oberholtzer
Girl in Room 2A, The (1974) - Aaron
Gladiator Cop (1995) - Todd
Goke, Body Snatcher from Hell (1968) - Todd
Golden Queen's Commando (1982) - Todd
Golem, The (1920) - Justin Oberholtzer
Goliath (2008) - Justin Oberholtzer
Gorgon, The (1964) - Todd
Gotcha! (1985) - Scott M
Goth: Love of Death (2008) - Jake McLargeHuge
Goyokin (1969) - They Call Him Chad
Graveyard Of Horror (1972) - Todd
Great Texas Dynamite Chase, The (1976) - Todd
Grey, The (2011) - Bill Thompson
Grim Prairie Tales (1990) - Justin Oberholtzer
Grizzly 2 (1983) - Todd
Grotesque (1988) - Todd
Grunt! The Wrestling Movie (1985) - Justin Oberholtzer
Hammerhead (1987) - Todd
Hangar 18 (1980) - Todd
Hard Target - Director's Cut (1993) - Todd
Hard Ticket to Hawaii (1987) - Aaron
Hard Time (1998) - Justin Oberholtzer
Harder They Come, The (1972) - Todd
Hardware (1990) - Brett Ridley
Haywire (2011) - Bill Thompson
Headhunter (1988) - Todd
Heavenly Bodies (1984) - Todd
Hell Comes to Frogtown (1988) - Todd
Hell Squad (1986) - Todd
Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987) - Todd
Helltrain (1977) - Todd
Hero Never Dies, A (1998) - Charlie Parker
Higanjima (2009) - Jake McLargeHuge
High-Ballin' (1978) - They Call Him Chad
High Crusade, The (1994) - Brett Ridley
High Lane (2009) - Aaron
Hired Hand, The (1971) - Aaron
Hollywood Cop (1987) - Karl Brezdin
Hollywood Vice Squad (1986) - T.L. Bugg
Horrible High Heels (1996) - Todd
Horror Express (1972) - Todd
Horror High (1974) - Todd
Horror Hospital (1973) - Todd
Hot Pursuit (1987) - Todd
Humanoids from the Deep (1980) - Justin Oberholtzer
Hummingbird (2013) - Bill Thompson
Hunchback Of The Morgue, The (1973) - Todd
Hunger, The (1983) - Brett Ridley
Hunters of the Golden Cobra (1982) - Charlie Parker
Hunt to Kill (2010) - Aaron
Hyena in the Safe, A (1968) - Todd
I Love Maria (1988) - Todd
I, Madman (1989) - Todd
I, the Jury (1982) - Charlie Parker
Imp, The (1981) - Todd
In Hell (2003) - Todd 
Incredible Hulk Returns, The (1988) - Justin Oberholtzer
Incredible Paris Incident (1967) - Keith W
Initiation, The (1984) - Justin Oberholtzer
Inseminoid (1981) - Todd
Intruder Within, The (1981) - Todd
Invasion U.S.A. (1985) - Todd
Invincible Space Streaker (1977) - Todd
Ironmaster (1983) - Todd
Island Claws (1980) - Todd
Island Of Terror (1966) - Todd
Jackson County Jail (1976) - Todd
Jenny Ringo and the Monkey's Paw (2011) - Todd
John Dies at the End (2012) - Brett Ridley
Johnny Cool (1963) - Scott M
Kafka (1991) - Brett Ridley
Karate Cop (1981) - T.L. Bugg
Karate Rock (1990) - Todd
Karate Wars (1978) - Todd
Keep, The (1983) - They Call Him Chad
Kill and Kill Again (1981) - Todd
Killer Cop (1975) - Todd
Killer Workout (1987) - Todd
Kindred, The (1987) - They Call Him Chad
King of Marvin Gardens, The (1972) - Karl Brezdin
Kull the Conqueror (1997) - Brett Ridley
Kung Fu Zombie (1981) - Keith W
La Bambola Di Satana (1969) - Todd
La Residencia (1969) - Todd
Ladies Man, The (1961) - Justin Bozung
Last American Virgin, The (1982) - Justin Oberholtzer
Last Days of Man on Earth, The (1973) - Todd
Last Man Standing (1995) - Todd
Last Match, The (1991) - Todd
Last Stand, The (2013) - Bill Thompson
Last Stand, The (2013) - Michael
Laughing Dead, The (1989) - Todd
League Of Gentlemen, The (1960) - Todd
LEE (Book Review) - Todd
Legion Of Iron (1990) - Todd
Lifeforce (1985) - Todd
Light Blast (1985) - Todd
Lightning Bolt (1966) - Keith W
Little Cigars (1973) - Justin Oberholtzer
Live Like a Cop, Die Like a Man (1976) - Justin Oberholtzer
Live Like a Cop, Die Like a Man (1976) - Todd
Lock In, The (2014) - Brett Ridley
Lone Wolf and Cub: Sword of Vengeance (1972) - They Call Him Chad
Long Goodbye, The (1973) - Charlie Parker
Look Who's Toxic (1990) - Todd
Lord of the G-Strings: The Fellowship of the String, The (2003) - Brett Ridley
Lost Continent, The (1968) - Todd
Love Me Deadly (1972) - Todd
Mad Foxes (1981) - Aaron
Madmen of Mandoras, The (1963) - Brett Ridley
Maltese Bippy, The (1969) - Justin Bozung
Man from Hong Kong, The (1975) - Aaron
Manborg (2011) - Brett Ridley
Maniac (1934) - Todd
Maniac Cop (1988) - Todd
Matchless (1966) - Todd
Matsugane Potshot Affair, The (2006) - Jake McLargeHuge
Maya (1989) - Todd
Megaforce (1982) - Todd
Men from the Gutter (1983) - Todd
Merantau (2009) - Bill Thompson
Mercenary, The (1968) - They Call Him Chad
Merchants of War (1989) - Karl Brezdin
Metempsyco (1965) - Todd
Miami Connection (1987) - Bill Thompson
Midi Minuit (1970) - Todd
Milpitas Monster, The (1976) - Todd
Ministry of Vengeance, The (1989) - Todd
Mixed Blood (1984) - Todd
Mortuary (1983) - Todd
Most Beautiful Wife, The (1970) - Todd
Mr. No Legs (1979) - Justin Oberholtzer
Murder Obsession (1981) - Todd
Mutant Chronicles (2008) - Brett Ridley 
Mutant War (1987) - Todd
Mutants (2009) - Aaron
Mystics in Bali (1981) - Aaron
Naked Killer (1992) - Todd
Necronomicon: Book of the Dead (1993) - Brett Ridley
Nemesis (1992) - Todd
Neon City (1991) - Todd
Neon Maniacs (1985) - Todd
Nest, The (1988) - Todd
Nesting, The (1980) - Todd
Nest of Vipers (1969) - Aaron
New Gladiators, The (1982) - Charlie Parker
New Rose Hotel (1998) - Brett Ridley
New York Cop (1993) - They Call Him Chad
Night After Night After Night (1969) - Todd
Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave, The (1977) - Todd
Night of the Comet (1984) - Justin Oberholtzer
Night of the Sharks (1987) - Todd
Night Train Murders (1975) - Todd
Nightmare In Badham County (1976) - Todd
Ninja (2009) - Aaron
Ninja (2009) - Bill Thompson
Ninja III: The Domination (1984) - Todd
Ninja Dragon, The (1990) - Todd
Ninja Wars (1982) - Todd
No Dead Heroes (1986) - Todd
No Holds Barred (1989) - Bill Thompson
No Surrender (1985) - Justin Oberholtzer
Nomads (1986) - Todd
Norliss Tapes, The (1973) - Todd
Nothing but the Night (1972) - Todd
Nothing Underneath (1985) - Todd
Octagon, The (1980) - Aaron
Odds and Evens (1978) - Todd
Oily Maniac (1976) - Todd
Olympus Has Fallen (2013) - Bill Thompson
Omega Doom (1996) - Todd
Once Upon a Time in China (1991) - Brett Ridley
One Last Dance (2006) - Keith Squires
Other Hell, The (1980) - Todd
Outfit, The (1973) - Feel Bad Hit of the Winter
Outland (1981) - Brett Ridley
Panic Beats (1983) - Todd
Parade (2009) - Jake McLargeHuge
Paradox (2010) - Brett Ridley
Party Camp (1987) - Justin Oberholtzer
Patrick Still Lives (1980) - Todd
Perfume of the Lady in Black, The (1974) - Todd
Phantom, The (1996) - Todd
Phantom Empire, The (1986) - Todd
Phantom Soldiers (1989) - Todd
Pink Angels (1973) - Dusty McGowan
Piranha Part 2: The Spawning (1982) - Todd
Pit, The (1981) - Todd
Plankton (1994) - Todd
Playing God (1997) - Brett Ridley
Pray for Death (1985) - Karl Brezdin
Preppies (1984) - dangerous_jamie
Primal Rage (1988) - Todd
Prime Time (1977) - Aaron
Prisoner Maria: The Movie (1995) - Todd
Project A (1983) - Bill Thompson
Project: Metalbeast (1995) - Todd
Project Vampire (1992) - Todd
Psychomania (1972) - Todd
Psychopathia Sexualis (2006) - Brett Ridley
Pulgasari (1985) - Todd
Punk Vacation (1987) - Todd
Race with the Devil (1975) - Todd
Rage And Honor (1992) - Bill Thompson
Raid, The (2011) - They Call Him Chad
Ratman (1988) - Charlie Parker
Rat Man (1988) - Todd
Ray Harryhausen: Special Effects Titan (2011) - Todd
[REC] 3 (2012) - They Call Him Chad
Red Faction: Origins (2011) - Brett Ridley
Red Heat (1985) - Todd
Red Queen Kills Seven Times, The (1972) - Todd
Red Scorpion (1988) - Bill Thompson
Redeemer, The (1976) - Todd
Rescue Force (1989) - Todd 
Resonnances (2006) - Todd
Return of the Demon (1987) - Todd
Return of the Killer Tomatoes (1987) - Todd
Revenge Is My Destiny (1971) - Todd
Rica (1972) - Todd
Rift, The (1990) - Todd
Riot on 42nd Street (1987) - Todd
Roadie (1980) - Todd
Road House (1989) - Bill Thompson
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) - Bill Thompson
Robotech: The Movie (1986) - Brett Ridley
Robot Jox (1989) - Todd
Rock 'N' Roll High School (1979) - Todd
Rundown, The (2003) - Bill Thompson
Rustler's Rhapsody (1985) - Brett Ridley
Sahara (1983) - Blofeld's Cat
Samurai Assassin (1965) - Keith Squires
Samurai Fiction (1998) - Brett Ridley
Samurai Reincarnation (1981) - Todd
Samurai Spy (1965) - Todd
Sands of the Kalahari (1964) - Todd
Satanik (1967) - Todd
Saturday Night Special (1994) - Justin Bozung
Saturday the 14th (1981) - Todd
Savage Streets (1984) - Todd
Scarecrows (1988) - Todd
Schoolgirl Hitchhikers (1973) - Todd
Scream for Help (1984) - Todd
Screwballs (1983) - Todd
Secret Of The Telegian, The (1960) - Todd
Sect, The (1991) - Todd
Seven Beauties (1975) - Todd
Seven Notes in Black (1977) - Todd
Seventh Victim, The (1943) - Todd
Sexy Cat (1973) - Todd
Shadowman (1974) - Todd
Shaolin Soccer (2001) - Bill Thompson
Shape of Things to Come, The (1979) - Scott M
Shark! (1969) - Aaron
Sheriff and the Satellite Kid, The (1979) - Todd
Shocking Dark (1989) - Todd
Shredder Orpheus (1990) - Todd
Silk (1986) - Todd
Sin-se-gae (New World) (2013) - Bill Thompson
Sisters (1973) - Justin Oberholtzer
Six-String Samurai (1998) - Brett Ridley
Six-String Samurai (1998) - Todd
Slaughterhouse (1987) - Todd
Smile (1971) - Todd
Society (1989) - Justin Oberholtzer
Sodoma's Ghost (1988) - Todd
Soldier (1998) - Michael
Something Creeping in the Dark (1971) - Todd
Sorceress (1982) - Todd
Soul Brothers Of Kung Fu (1977) - Karl Brezdin
Sound of Horror, The (1965) - Todd
Spider Labyrinth (1988) - Todd
Spirit, The (2008) - Bill Thompson
Split Second (1992) - Todd
Spookies (1986) - Todd
Starcrash (1979) - Todd
Stay Away, Joe (1968) - Blofeld's Cat
Stick, The (1988) - Todd
Stormy Monday (1988) - Dusty McGowan
Strange Brew (1983) - Brett Ridley
Stranger, The (2010) - Bill Thompson
Street People (1976) - Todd
Substitute, The (1996) - Justin Oberholtzer
Suburb Murder (1992) - Charlie Parker
Suburbia (1983) - Todd
Suckling, The (1990) - Todd
Sudden Death (1995) - Bill Thompson
Superstition (1982) - Todd
Surf Nazis Must Die (1987) - Brett Ridley
Swamp Thing (1982) - Brett Ridley
Sword and the Sorcerer, The (1982) - Todd
Sword Of The Valiant (1984) - Brett Ridley
Taking Of Beverly Hills, The (1991) - Todd
Tarkan Versus the Vikings (1971) - Todd
Terrifying Girls' High School: Lynch Law Classroom (1973) - Todd
Terror Beneath the Sea (1966) - Todd
TerrorVision (1980) - Todd
Terror Within, The (1989) - Todd
Tetherball: The Movie (2010) - Brett Ridley
They Call Me Macho Woman (1991) - Todd
Thief (1981) - Justin Oberholtzer
Thief (1981) (Blu-Ray Review) - Kelly Baird
Third Man, The (1949) - Brett Ridley
This Is Elvis (1981) - Blofeld's Cat
Thor the Conqueror (1983) - Todd
Three-Head Monster (1988) - Todd
Thunder of Gigantic Serpent (1988) - Todd
To All a Goodnight (1980) - Justin Oberholtzer
Top Gun (1986) - Bill Thompson
Top Line (1988) - Justin Oberholtzer
Total Recall (2012) - Blofeld's Cat
Tough and Deadly (1995) - Todd
Tourist Trap (1979) - Todd
Tracking (1986) - Todd
Trash Humpers (2009) - Aaron
Trick or Treats (1982) - Justin Oberholtzer
Trigger Man (2007) - They Call Him Chad
Trog (1970) - Scott M
True Lies (1994) - Bill Thompson
Tuff Turf (1985) - Todd
Two Undercover Angels (1969) - Brett Ridley
Ultramarine: A Warhammer 40,000 Movie (2010) - Brett Ridley
Under Siege (1992) - Bill Thompson
Unholy Rollers (1972) - Todd
Uninvited (1987) - Todd
Universal Soldier: Regeneration (2009) - Aaron
Unseen, The (1980) - Todd
Until the Light Takes Us (2010) - Aaron
Up from the Depths (1979) - Todd
Urban Warriors (1987) - Matt-suzaka
Urge to Kill, The (1989) - Todd
Used Cars (1980) - Justin Oberholtzer
Valhalla Rising (2009) - Bill Thompson
Vice Squad (1982) - Todd
Vindicator, The (1986) - Todd
Virgin Witch (1972) - Todd
Virgins From Hell (1987) - Todd
Visitor, The (1978) - Todd
Vulture, The (1967) - Todd
War in Space, The (1977) - Todd
War of the Alien Dinosaurs (2005) - Brett Ridley
War Of The Arrows (2011) - "Uncool Cat" Chris Brown
Wardogs (1987) - Justin Oberholtzer
Warlords Of Atlantis (1978) - Todd
Warriors, The (1979) - Bill Thompson
Wasp Woman, The (1995) - Brett Ridley
Wavelength (1983) - Scott M
Waxwork (1988) - Todd
We Are Still Here (2015) - Justin Oberholtzer
Weasels Rip My Flesh (1979) - Todd
Werewolves on Wheels (1971) - Todd
White Water Summer (1987) - Justin Oberholtzer
Who? (1973) - Todd
Wicked City (1987) - Todd
Wild Team (1985) - Todd
Wilder Napalm (1993) - Todd
Willie Dynamite (1974) - Dusty McGowan
Wizard Of Gore, The (1970) - Todd
Wolf Devil Woman (1982) - Todd
Wolfcop (2014) - Brett Ridley
Wolfguy: Enraged Wolfman (1975) - Todd
Wrong is Right (1982) - Todd
Xtro (1982) - Todd
Yesterday Machine, The (1963) - Todd
Yeti - Giant of the Twentieth Century (1977) - Todd
Zebraman (2004) - Brett Ridley
Zero Tolerance (1994) - Justin Oberholtzer
Zeta One (1969) - Todd
Zombi 3 (1983) - Todd
Zombie Holocaust (1980) - Todd
Zuma (1985) - Todd